Nushrratt Bharuccha has been busy since the past few days with her upcoming movie. Her latest movie Janhit Mein Jaari is scheduled to release today. For one of the promotional events of the movie, the actor wore a white stunning pantsuit and looked exactly like the boss lady that she is. The full-sleeved button-down blazer had a deep neckline, which was teamed with a pair of flared pants. For accessories, Nushrratt opted for a golden choker necklace and dangling earrings. Leaving her mane loose, the actor wore nude makeup with kohled eyes and brown matte lip colour. There is no denying the fact that pantsuit is the most-loved trend in Bollywood. From Deepika Padukone to Manushi Chhillar, we continue to see striking pantsuits worn by these divas.
Giving us major summer inspiration, Nushrratt Bharuccha was in a breezy outfit from designer label Punit Balana for her movie's promotions in Jaipur. The abstract printed co-ord set was exactly what summer fashion should be all about-breezy, comfortable yet stylish. The abstract printed co-ord set consisted of a puff sleeved crop top which the actor teamed with a pair of wide leg pants. The crop top had tie-knot detailing at the front. The actor opted for a pair of traditional earrings and sunglasses as the only accessories. Leaving her mane loose in beachy curls, Nushratt wore nude makeup and brown lip colur.
Also Read: Nushrratt Bharuccha Is The Perfect Summer Birthday Girl In Her Bright And Zesty Co-Ord Set
Nushrratt Bharuccha posted her picture in neutral-toned one piece and set the internet on fire. The actor opted for a strapless outfit from designer Nikhil Thampi. The nude tube dress had a lighter undertone with mesh detailing and an asymmetric hemline. Nushrratt gave her hair a wet effect and opted for dewy makeup with soft kohled eyes, contoured cheeks and mauve coloured lip tint.
We are totally stunned by Nushrratt's summer wardrobe choices.
Also Read: With Cocktails By The Pool, Nushrratt Bharuccha Is Summer Ready In Her Printed Black Swimsuit