If the TV show Friends was remade in Bollywood, we bet Disha Patani and Mouni Roy would have been part of the star cast. Disha Patani and Mouni Roy have become the epitome of friendship in B-town. Their inseparable bond is all over the internet. The duo is definitely setting new BFF goals for everyone. Recently, their friendship shone through on Mouni Roy's Instagram post, where she shared birthday wishes for her dear friend. The post sees many moments of the duo travelling together and sharing a deep bond through the course of their newly minted friendship. In the caption, Mouni wrote, "My beautiful ninja warrior, you are a true embodiment of beauty inside and out, with a smile that can brighten even the dullest of days. Your radiant energy and infectious positivity are like a breath of fresh air, bringing joy to all those around you. D, your journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring. You've overcome obstacles and pushed boundaries, inspiring countless hearts along the way. So proud of your accomplishments and cannot wait to witness the wonders you'll continue to achieve."
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Against the backdrop of a breathtaking sunset on a balcony, Disha Patani and Mouni Roy previously struck a pose as #BFF. Disha stunned in a cropped red tee, while Mouni rocked a white bralette paired with cargo pants. Their moment of friendship in the golden hour got thousands of comments from their Instagram fans.
Disha Patani and Mouni Roy sported matching white t-shirts as they took flight together. Disha picked flared bottoms and sneakers, while Mouni chose leggings and paired them with stylish boots.
During their North America tour, Disha Patani and Mouni Roy were spotted chilling in all-black outfits. Even in the middle of the entire crew, their friendship is something that could not go unnoticed.
Disha Patani and Mouni Roy's friendship serves as an inspiration, reminding everyone of the joy and support that true friends can bring into each other's lives, even in the glitz and glamour of B-Town.
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