Sonam Kapoor, has maintained her position in the fashion world right from her Bollywood debut. Her impeccable style and stunning wardrobe choices have gained her a fan following, even though she has stepped away from the silver screen. From glamorous red-carpet moments at global prestigious events or elaborate festive dressing in the homeland, there has been no single occasion where the actress has let her guard down when it comes to her stellar closet choices. Today, on her birthday, let's look at her best-dressed moments when Sonam gave chic boss babe vibes.
For the opening of the Apple store in Mumbai earlier this year, Sonam Kapoor opted for a gorgeous monochrome ensemble and grabbed many eyeballs. She picked a grey co-ord set from Junya Watanabe consisting of an oversized blazer with cape-like sleeves and a high waist straight fit skirt with a front slit. Sonam styled it with a dark-toned corset. Her bright sunny yellow Louis Vuitton bag brought the perfect pop of colour to her muted grey look.
For the Dior show in Mumbai showcasing their 2023 collection, Sonam Kapoor took to the Barbiecore trend. Her bubblegum pink outfit from Dior included a flared dress with a stunning full-length jacket in the same shade of pink. She added a traditional touch to her look by wearing jewels in the form of necklaces, statement earrings, and rings and aced a perfect blend between traditional and modern.
For brunch in the United Kingdom, Sonam picked a floral co-ord which included a full-sleeved cape-like long top and a flared skirt below in a red colour palette with deep-red flowers all over. The gorgeous fall and flare of the outfit made it exceptional in every way. She teamed it with a black inner and black pointed heels.
Sonam in a three-piece suit set in a deep purple palette gave us the perfect boss-lady vibes. The suit set consisted of a coat, buttoned vest, and pleated skirt and was custom-made by the clothing brand Antithesis. The diva looked absolutely charismatic in her monochrome look.
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Sonam Kapoor's floral coat dress for a talk show was definitely a springtime dream come true. She teamed a midi dress featuring a beautiful flare with a full-sleeved coat in a beige shade with red floral prints all over. She accesorised the look with a pair of muted shoes and a matching handbag.
Sonam's charming monotones have been an absolute treat. She picked a skirt-suit combination by Loewe. Her attire consisted of a full-sleeved buttoned top with a peplum waist, contrasting cuffs, and a flared maxi skirt. She complemented the look with a woven bag and glam makeup.
Sonam Kapoor's outstanding choice of outfits has gained her a place in our hearts.
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