Taapsee Pannu turns a year older today and we're celebrating by looking back in time. Back in June 2023, the Bollywood actress and producer took a trip with her gal pals. In a carousel of photos, she is seen on watching the sunset on a beach, lounging on a chair, on a sunny street and sitting in the sun. In one of the pictures, Pannu was seated on the sand wearing a sleeveless yellow bikini with a tie-back detail paired with matching bottoms. She wore it with brown sunglasses and her curly hair in wild curls.
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We have already scrolled through the closets of celebrities to pull out our best picks for a beach vacation. Taapsee Pannu's bikini set is definitely on our list. The actress recently enjoyed a resort getaway with her girlfriends in Udaipur and shared a photo dump on Instagram. In the pictures, Taapsee is seen showing off that toned midriff in a red and white bikini set. The wide-strap bikini top, with string detailing on the front, was teamed with white bottoms featuring red floral prints. While her curly tresses were pulled off in a bun, she added a pair of black sunglasses to round off the look. Her girlfriends opted for a red and black number each.
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Sea-quins were made for the sea and Taapsee Pannu has convinced us. She styled an embellished see-through coverup with a bikini top and denim shorts. Golden earrings and sunglasses for accessories, accompanied by that no-makeup makeup look sealed the deal.
When she was in Maldives, Taapsee showed us the best of her beachwear wardrobe. Ditching the bikinis and swimsuits, she wore a printed Varun Bahl co-ord set which consisted of a crop top, flared pants and a flowing cape. Dangling earrings were the only accessories she needed.
Taapsee Pannu's photo by the beach wearing a black and olive green striped bikini top and cropped trouser set is a complete mood. A straw hat gave it that perfect holiday touch. And, we are already dreaming of a beach vacay.
Her striped ruffle bikini - from Maldives diaries - is uber-cool. Pairing it with a pearl necklace, Taapsee not only served some major style goals but also gave a breath of fresh air to the exhausted fashion trends.
Taapsee Pannu's exotic swimwear collection is all we need for a beach getaway. The actress, who was last seen in Blur, will next feature in the sequel Phir Aayi Hasseen Dilruba.
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