Manushi Chhillar has created quite a buzz on the internet with her workout selfies. The Bade Miyan Chote Miyan actress recently shared a picture of herself on her Instagram handle that showed her taking a mirror selfie with her perfectly toned abs in the frame. Manushi was seen wearing a grey gym bralette and a pair of black gym pants along with her hair being secured in a pulled-back ponytail for the perfect athleisure look.
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If you'd like to follow in Manushi Chillar's footsteps, here are a bunch of exercises you can try for yourself to tone your core.
Crunches are an abdominal exercise which works on the rectus abdominis muscle and helps getting a tight belly for six-pack abs.
Planks are an isometric exercise that gives strength to the core and involves maintaining a position like a push-up just above the ground.
Sit-ups are abdominal endurance building exercises that give strength to the core while tightening and toning the abdominal muscles. They are similar to crunches but they have a fuller range of motion and condition the extra muscles.
4.Russian Twists
Russian Twists are a simple abdominal exercise that work on the core, shoulders and hips of the body. They are ideally performed in sets and repeated to tone the core muscles through a twisting motion that is focussed around the abdomen area.
5.Farmer's Walk
Farmer's walk, also known as the Farmer's Carry, is a strength and conditioning exercise that works on the abdominals and aids stabilizing the hips and torso.
Trust Manushi Chillar to be in sync with her wellness goals.