If You've Just Gone Through A Breakup, Here Are 5 Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

Avoid these mistakes in your post-breakup era for a clean and fresh start

Read Time: 3 mins

We all have gone through a breakup, in some or form and they have never been easy to deal with. There can be many reasons for a breakup but the worst one is when one falls into the trap of not getting over them. Breakups can be tough to deal with and all breakups are different so is every individual going through them. Every person has their own way of getting over a breakup but what can make it worse are the mistakes that one can make. Here are mistakes that one should avoid post breakup.

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Mistakes To Avoid Post Breakup

1. Going Over Your Mistakes Again And Again

You might have made mistakes in your relationship and learning from them is what is needed instead of cribbing over them. Brooding about your mistakes is the last thing one should be doing as it will only make you feel worse and might even effect your emotional recovery.

2. Blocking Yourself From New Opportunities

Breakups can be hard and almost the worst emotional feeling to deal with. Avoiding any interactions or not being open to other romantic opportunities will only make it worse. Give yourself a reasonable deadline to get over your current situation and then get your game on again with a new interest and fresh start.

Also Read: How To Get Over Someone: 6 Ways To Forgive, Forget And Move On

3. Being Still In Contact With The Person

You absolutely need to be followig the 'no-contact' rule with your partner. Exes can be friends but only with the right gap of time and intention. Constantly staying in touch right after the breakup will only make the situation worse and will make you confused.

4. Stalking Them

Stalking your ex on social media can take a toll on your emotional journey. It might sound extremely hard, but it is best to delete your ex from the account, or at least make sure you can't access their social media. This is the best way to go about things.

5. Comparing Your Experience To Other's

Everyone has a different set of experiences in a relationship. Everyone goes through all sorts of ups and downs in a relationship differently, and the same goes for breakups. It is absolutely normal if you feel like you are taking more time to get over it than your friends but do not compare. Everyone has their own journey and even if yours takes a little longer, it'll make sense why in the end.


Also Read: 3 Little Ways To Deal With A Breakup

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