FDCI x India Couture Week 2024 was undoubtedly one of the most prestigious Indian fashion events of the year. Top designers such as Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla, Dolly J, Gaurav Gupta and Siddartha Tytler showcased their expertise on the ramp. Needless to say, the muses for these designers, including Sophita Dhulipala, Aditi Rao Hydari, Sonakshi Sinha and Wamiqa Gabbi, left us mesmerised when they walked down the ramp. One highlight of this season was when celebrities walked in pairs and stole the show. Whether it was Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna for Falguni Shane Peacock, Malaika Arora and Rahul Khanna for Siddartha Tytler, or Vedang Raina and Khushi Kapoor for Gaurav Gupta, they all left us swooning. Let us, once again, take a look at these iconic celeb pairs.
1. Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna
Falguni Shane Peacock picked Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Madanna to represent their collection Rang Mahal. Talking about how the duo looked ethereal on the ramp, Falguni exclusively told Shreya Choudhuri of NDTV Swirlster, “Rashmika and Vicky looked absolutely gorgeous.” About Rashmika's gorgeous outfits, the designer said, “The first look of Rashmika was a chikankari lehenga, with a lot of pearl detail. And the second look was pearl with a lot of gold sequin in it, a very bridal look.” Describing Vicky's regal attire, she added, “For Vicky, we did a Banarasi brocade with a lot of french knots.” On the other hand, Shane shared how their collection was a blend of traditional and modern. He said, “We wanted to be very Indian, but at the same time modern in the approach. All our clothes were very traditional, but at the same time very modern.”
2. Vedang Raina and Khushi Kapoor
There is no doubt that Khushi Kapoor is the it girl for all the Gen Z fashion aficionados. And when she walked down the ramp, with Vedang Raina, it was no less than a treat to eyes. Post event, designer Gaurav Gupta called Khushi Kapoor a “natural fashion girl.” The designer also talked about how the lehenga Khushi wore is perfect for weddings. He said, “This is just a lehenga that a bride could wear, or the bride's sister, bride's mother or friend could also use it. Wear a simpler skirt, use the blouse. You can wear the cape on a plain saree or you can wear it on a plain gown.” Vedang Raina said that he felt “super good” while wearing Gaurav Gupta's creation. He added, “This is something I would wear to a wedding.” Sharing how comfortable she felt in the attire, Khushi said, “I could wear this at home honestly, because I feel so good in it.”
3. Malaika Arora and Rahul Khanna
Wearing a lehenga from Siddartha Tytler's Caligula's Feast collection, Malaika Arora said, “I think it was really stunning, very very sexy I have to say and I felt like a fierce goddess. Beautiful collection.” Did you know Siddartha Tytler created five to six blouse options for Malaika? The designer shared, “The lehenga we had made but the blouse, once Malaika confirmed that she is going to be a part of the show, we literally made about five to six blouses. And we were like okay, this one is worthy of her so it just worked perfectly together.” Siddhartha praised Rahul Khanna by saying, “Rahul being classic, we didn't even have to try, it was just done.”
Which one of these celeb pairs did you like the most?