After days of rumours, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli married in Italy on Monday, both wearing Sabyasachi (it was one of the rumours that turned out true - Sabyasachi was spotted exiting Anushka's Mumbai home some days ago, prompting speculation that he was in charge of her bridal outfit). Pictures of the newlyweds flooded social media after the bride and groom posted the wedding announcement on their Twitter accounts. Anushka and Virat had a traditional Hindu ceremony at a resort in Tuscany, preceded by an engagement and the mehendi. Anushka was dressed in Sabyasachi for all three wedding functions - she wore a velvet sari for the engagement, a boho-chic lehenga bursting with colours for the mehendi, and a pale pink embellished lehenga for the wedding. Her jewellery was also by Sabyasachi.
The designer told news agency IANS, "We designed the clothes for both bride and groom for all the functions. From engagement to mehendi and sangeet, for the wedding and post-wedding dinner, and heritage jewellery from recently launched Sabyasachi label. It was wonderful to work with the couple. From the House of Sabyasachi, we wish Anushka and Virat a very happy married life."
Sabyasachi also Instagrammed a breakdown of Anushka Sharma's wedding wardrobe. Her pink lehenga was embroidered with pearls, beads and silver-gold; her jewellery was diamonds and pearls:
Anushka wore fresh flowers in her hair:
For the mehendi, Anushka wanted something more fun - Sabyasachi made this funky pink, orange and teal outfit with block printing and gota:
Anushka's engagement outfit was a wine velvet sari embroidered with pearls and zari. The signature Sabyasachi styling - middle-parted hair, tiny bindi - completed her look:
Sabyasachi also posted close-ups of Anushka Sharma's wedding jewellery:
Lest we forget the groom, Virat Kohli's wardrobe was also designed by Sabyasachi:
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have two wedding receptions planned - the first will be held in Virat's hometown of New Delhi on December 21, the second in Mumbai (where the couple will also live) on December 26. Very likely, Anushka will wear Sabyasachi on one or both occasions.
(With inputs from IANS)
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