New bride Rakul Preet Singh made heads turn when she graced an event in Chennai draped in a risqué black sequin saree. The Bollywood actor teamed the statement Indian garment with a sleeveless blouse embellished with golden, black and white beaded work. The ensemble was from the shelves of designer Ritika Mirchandani and came with a price tag of Rs 2,89,000.
Also read: Rakul Preet Singh's Rs 24,500 Pastel Linen Saree Is Ethnic Summer Style Done Right
The fabulous fashionista showed off her toned legs and midriff during this sartorial outing with a daringly high slit in the semi-stitched saree-skirt and the cropped V-neck blouse. The Yaariyan actor added further charisma to her look with statement yet chic accessories; including golden kundan work bangles adorning her wrists, wavy-shaped dangler earrings and a pair of shimmery gold heels ornately tied to her ankles to add extra oomph.
Rakul Preet Singh definitely wanted her daringly gorgeous saree to do all the talking and kept her glam picks effortless and minimal. For her makeup of the day, the actor went for beautifully bronzed cheeks, defined eyebrows that framed her face, a wash of golden shimmer eyeshadow adorning her eyelids, wispy lashes and a juicy nude lip colour.
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As for her hair game, the De De Pyaar De actor styled her streaked hair in effortless waves that were center-parted which became the cherry on top of the look.
Fan girling is all we can do over Rakul Preet Singh's saree ensemble.