Mark your calendars as actor Jennifer Aniston might be launching her very own beauty line in just a few days. The 'Friends' alum recently teased the launch of her new brand via Instagram on Thursday. "Something's coming," 'The Morning Show' star captioned two images snapped on set at a photo shoot. She went on to tag Lolavie, a new Instagram page. The brand, which features a black and white logo that's effortlessly chic, only follows one person so far: Aniston. While there are currently only three images on the grid, there's much to dissect. First of all, the brand is set to launch on September 8. There's also a link to the brand's website, which identified the tagline as "Naturally You."
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While the accompanying image of lemon, seeds, plants and science beakers filled with water leave the door open, the brand's trademark, which was obtained by Us Weekly, provides further insight. The documents, which were originally filed in July 2019, state that the brand could cover everything from face and body lotions to deodorant and candles. But regardless of whether Aniston drops sops, essential oils or hair care, it's safe to say that her fan base -- and famous friends -- aren't going to miss a beat scooping up whatever the star has to offer.
"SEPTEMBER IS JENNIFER ANISTON MONTH AND WE AINT COMPLAIN'," a fan commented on a photo of Aniston's hair on Lolavie's Instagram page. "I don't know exactly what this is, but I'm sure it's going to be awesome! I am excited," another person wrote, adding a heart emoji. Many have also dubbed launch month, JENtember. "The month of JENtember is truly beautiful," someone said. Another user added: "Jentember has begun."
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Aniston's beauty routine has always had a fairly holistic approach, as she places emphasis on sleep, well-being and working out. In an August 2021 interview with InStyle, the 'Horrible Bosses' star revealed that she's been trying to "go to bed earlier" and exercise every day. "I'm going back to my 15-15-15, which is a 15-minute spin, elliptical, run. And then just old school: I can chase myself around a gym. I need some kind of movement, even if it's just 10 minutes a day on a trampoline," she said.
It makes perfect sense that the 52-year-old star is venturing into the world of beauty. For years, Aniston has been applauded for her glowing skin.
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