It is hard to look away when Khushi Kapoor dresses up. From slaying Y2K style to wearing the Pantone colour of the year, Khushi Kapoor is a fashion diva at heart and when it comes to making a style statement, the diva is a total stunner. This time, she gave stylish goals when she posed with friend Orhan Awatramani as they sipped their glasses of Bordeaux. Khushi was seen in a chic pink strapless top paired with relaxed denims while Orhan kept it super chic in casuals. He paired a black t-shirt with a pair of jeans.
Whether she is heading for an event or hanging out with friends, Khushi Kapoor has her fashion game sorted. We love how the trio is slaying shimmer this time. The diva was seen posing with her sister Janhvi Kapoor and cousin Shanaya Kapoor when the trio set the bar high in shimmering dresses. They looked glam as ever in their glimmering numbers.
There's never a dull day in Khushi Kapoor's fashion diary. Slaying it right were the Kapoor sisters who were posing in pretty shades of pink. Khushi was seen in a corset dress of a pastel pink shade which featured a beautiful strappy pattern while Janhvi opted for a bright pink strap bodycon mini dress.
The Kapoor sisters have never failed to strike a balance with their style and yet again, the duo is giving us cosy vibes in chic casuals. While Khushi kept it basic in a chic off-shoulder sweater, Janhvi went vibrant in a pastel colourblock shirt.