Kangana Ranaut was among the many celebrities who attended Arpita Khan's Eid party in Mumbai. Amid the gorgeous sharara sets and elegant drapes, Kangana stood out with her embroidered kurta, Patiala salwar and odhani. From the clothing brand Heena Kochhar, the actress styled a yellow anarkali, with purple salwar - both in chanderi fabric - with a sap green tissue odhani. The three-piece ethnic set was covered in silver gota work embroidery. Embroidered golden juttis complemented her pizzazz. Kangana picked statement oxidised jhumkas and bangles for accessories. Her tresses were styled in a sleek bun and she sided with shimmery eyelids and maroon lips for the glam.
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How gorgeous does Kangana Ranaut look in this green brocade lehenga? It's a 10 on 10 if you ask us. A darker-tone green dupatta with a golden patti border and gota detailing accompanied the ethnic number. The plunging neckline of the blouse was complemented by a heavy traditional necklace. Minimal glam and her open curly tresses accompanied her look.
Kangana Ranaut made a head-turning impression with her gorgeous lehenga. The pastel ensemble, featuring floral embroidery work, embellishments and patti borders, was teamed with a stylish matching blouse that had a plunging off-shoulder neckline. She completed her ethnic style with a dupatta in a similar shade. A diamond waterfall necklace with matching earrings upped the ante of her fit. Sparkling eyeshadow with mascara-laden eyelashes, contoured cheeks and nude lips were her glam picks.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut Makes A Bold Statement With A Blazer On A Pleated Midi Dress
Kangana Ranaut doesn't shy away from experimenting with her ethnic styles. Here, she dazzled in a beautiful pristine white saree, paired with a matching sleeveless blouse. Accessories? An emerald pendant layered necklace and dangler earrings. Her winged eyeliner and the top bun only accentuated the desi style. To top it off, she layered the saree with a white overcoat, giving a modern power twist to the ensemble.
Kangana Ranaut will be next seen in her own-directorial project, Emergency.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut Is Fierce As Ever In A Gorgeous Red Midi Dress
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