The 2024 Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival Awards took place on the evening of February 20, 2024, in Mumbai. This awards function, which recognizes the talent in the Indian film industry, was attended by many prominent personalities like Shahrukh Khan, Rani Mukherjee, Kareena Kapoor, Vikrant Massey and many others. The star-studded red carpet glimmered in the presence of these stars under one roof. But what caught our eyes was the majestic charm of Kareena Kapoor as she donned a pastel anarkali for the evening. The glitzy golden outfit was from designer label Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla and featured half sleeves, an off-shoulder dipped neckline, and a gorgeous flare with mirror work and shimmery embellishments. According to the designer's Instagram page, the asymmetrical multikali outfit included 60 panels adorned with over a lakh mirror that were hand embroidered by 100 master craftsmen. The diva carried a matching mirror pauncha and a blush pink organza stole with the outfit. For accessories, she kept it simple with a studded choker necklace and a statement ring. Kareena's dewy glam included rosy cheeks, kohl laden eyes, ample mascara, shimmery eyelids and a blush pink lip colour.
Kareena Kapoor's ethnic charm has always won hearts. The actress dolled up in a printed Sabyasachi saree for Jaane Jaan promotions. The pastel drape came with blush pink flowers on the base of beige and had thin golden borders to complement. Kareena teamed the saree with a strap blouse in a golden palette. Tying her mane in a ponytail, the diva opted for light smokey eyes, a contoured face, and a muted-tone matte lip colour.
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Kareena Kapoor looked absolutely ravishing as she picked a red lehenga set. The outfit included a sleeveless blouse with backless details, attached embellishment and an elaborate flared lehenga skirt. The outfit featured embroidered motifs in red and shimmery sequins too. The actress wore her hair in a neat bun and accessorized the look with a pair of statement dangler earrings. Her minimal makeup completed her ethnic style.
Kareena Kapoor is the OG fashionista of Bollywood, hence proved.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Is Cooler Than Ice In A Powder Blue Luciferase Skirt Suit