The Dior Mumbai 2023 fashion show saw an array of celebrities from all over the world. While designers and all the important people in business and fashion made stunning appearances at the show, Bollywood did too. The fashion police were surely pleased with the treat. Karisma Kapoor looked ethereal in a gorgeous olive green midi dress. The short-sleeved outfit had button-down details in the front with ruched detailing at the waistline. Karisma completed the retro vibe with her studded choker necklace and drop earrings. Her sleek updo, bold red lip colour, bejeweled mini bag and back kitten heels complemented her outfit on point!
Also Read: We're In A Pickle Today But It's The Stylish Kind Thanks To Karisma Kapoor's Green Anarkali
Karisma's very recent Indo-Western attire was a stunner. She wore an A-line blue kurta with a collar and button-down detailing which was layered with a blue coat. For accessories she wore black stud earrings, a statement oxidised ring with a blue stone, and a pair of black heels. She wore her hair in a sleek bun and finished off with bold eye makeup, blushed cheeks, and nude mauve lips.
Also Read: Karisma Kapoor's Blush Pink Attire Is All Things Beautiful And Stunning
Karisma dazzled in a beautiful gown featuring multi-coloured printed designs as she walked the ramp at the Lakme Fashion Week 2023. The outfit featured a plunging neckline and colourful floral embellishment at the bodice while the backless gown also had belt-like details at the waist followed by frills and pleat patterns below the waistline. She carried a colourful heavily embellished and sequined golden blazer on top and wore glam makeup.
We cannot get enough of Karisma Kapoor's gorgeous looks.
Also Read: Karisma Kapoor's White Saree Gloriously Glows Better Under Monaco's Moonlight
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