South Indian actress Keerthy Suresh tied the knot with long-time beau Antony Thattil in a dreamy morning wedding ceremony in Goa on December 12, 2024. The duo were high school sweethearts and had been dating for fifteen years before they said, "I do". But what caught our eyes were the bride's; not one, but two traditional saree ensembles worn for the marriage ceremony. While both her wedding avatars were breathtaking and beautiful pieces crafted by designer Anita Dongre, her yellow and green kanjeevaram saree had a special story hidden behind it.
Keerthy Suresh looked like an absolute dream in a custom made Anita Dongre saree in hues of yellow and green. The bridal kanjeevaram saree had an extra special element as it had a heartfelt love poem written by none other than the Baby John actress herself woven into its fabric. The bespoke creation was a masterpiece as the pure handloom kanjeevaram saree was inspired by traditional vaira oosi or diamond needle work technique. The exquisite nine-yard wonder was crafted with a shimmery gold zari work in a geometric check design with nature-inspired motifs.
The saree's korvai weave intricately mixed the mustard body, green and gold zari borders with the deep purple edges.
The saree was a labour of love woven together by master weavers Prasad Dayanand, Yoganantham, Kandhavel, Subash, Sekar, Sivakumar, Kanniappan, and Kumar, under the guidance of designer Anita Dongre. It took a tedious 405 hours to create this ensemble that featured a yellow and green kanjeevaram saree body with a matching green and gold short-sleeved blouse and a dori tie-up detail on the low-cut back.
Keerthy Suresh's yellow-green bridal kanjeevaram saree was a labour of love and craftsmanship alike.
Also Read: Two Is Company For Keerthy Suresh In Yellow And Red Sarees For Her Wedding To Ant