Khushi Kapoor and Ananya Panday believe in maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. Namrata Purohit, fitness instructor to both actresses, shared a glimpse of their arduous Pilates session on Instagram. While Khushi supported her hands by keeping them on her thighs, Ananya kept hers on the forehead. They bent their knees, drawing them closer to the chest, and repeated a similar motion. Khushi's legs were trembling from the effort it took to pull off the demanding workout and yet, she did so with a smile. Her exercise partner echoed a similar sentiment, laughing nervously. Tagging Khushi Kapoor and Ananya Panday to the post, Namrata Purohit added, “You all did so well, really engaged your muscles and worked correctly! Of course, I had to share this little fun glimpse of you all losing a bit of control of the limbs but hey... it's all a part of getting fitter. We all feel the shakes every now and then!”
(Also Read: Like Alia Bhatt, Try An Early Morning Workout And Reap Its Health Benefits All Day Long)
Armchair Pilates enhances scapular stability, promotes core and upper body strength and improves posture. This particular physical training also tones muscles, increases balance and joint mobility and is a great way to alleviate stress and tension. Explaining the strenuous exercise, the celebrity trainer wrote, “I feel like the saying, ‘looks can be deceiving' was made for Pilates. It all looks fun and games until you actually get down to doing it, especially doing it right, and then you feel that incredible burn, and that deep connection, and also then the little muscles start fatiguing and shaking.”
Ananya Panday swears by Pilates. Before this, Namrata Purohit dropped a picture of the actress indulging in a solid workout session as she tried a walkover on the Cadillac machine for the first time. The Cadillac Walkover is a different form of Pilates, considered as a therapeutic exercise, targeting deeper stretches. It also aids in improving body movement and posture. One can also enhance their balance by entering the advanced level of Pilates with a walkover on the Cadillac machine.
Has Ananya Panday and Khushi Kapoor motivated you enough to hit the gym right away?
(Also Read: Kareena Kapoor "Does It Right" To Feel That Burn With Her Arm Pilates Workout)
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