Khushi Kapoor has championed effortlessly laidback style and has never failed to serve inspiration. With summer here, Khushi is at her fashion game again as she artfully ups her breezy style trajectory. Styled by Mohit Rai, Khushi Kapoor's latest look is a lesson in getting vacay style on point. From designer Shivan and Narresh, the actress picked a colourful printed co-ord set that looked Cool For The Summer. She paired a plunging neck crop top with a matching mini skirt. She kept it absolutely minimal with dainty earrings and a dewy makeup look. Her soft curls were perfect to round off her beauty look.
(Also Read: Khushi Kapoor's Rs 4.60 Lakh LV Bag And Aritzia Skirt Made Her The Chicest Birthday Party Guest)
Khushi Kapoor's breezy fashion choices come with an appealing spin. While her top-notch fashion game includes a vintage aesthetic, her off-duty style is all about a fuss-free look. Previously, the actress gave us some vacay wardrobe inspiration in a white and black tiger print dress that seemed like a perfect choice for the season. From the strap details to the plunging neck, her flowy number is a summer staple that we cannot afford to miss out on. She kept it super minimal with dewy glam and a top knot.
Khushi Kapoor's summer style game is already setting the bar high.
(Also Read: Khushi Kapoor Can Do It All When She Rocks A Dress And An Athleisure Set Equally Well)
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