Kiara Advani has been busy going around the country promoting her latest movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 alongside Kartik Aryan. The movie is to be released at the end of May and the duo is seen promoting it fashionably. Kiara Advani is a true fashionista who always manages to surprise us with her wardrobe choices. Be it red carpet events, movie promotions or airport fashion, the actor always has her style game on point. Lately, Kiara Advani has been grabbing eyeballs and winning hearts by going the desi route in trendy outfits. Dressed in stunning sarees and fusion lehengas, Kiara proves that she can look exquisite in almost anything under the sun.
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Kiara Advani looked ravishing as she chose to wear an elegant drape in fuchsia pink. The breezy chiffon saree had mirror work at the borders and golden embroidery. She teamed it with a strappy blouse with a deep neckline and mirror work detailing. The actor left her mane loose in beachy waves and wore minimal nude makeup. She accessorised the outfit with traditional statement earrings and a stack of bangles.
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Kiara Advani wore a green fusion lehenga as she promoted her latest release in Vadodara with her co-star Kartik Aryan. Kiara wore a crop top in mint green shade with floral print at the side in shades of yellow, purple and white. She paired it with a traditional flared lehenga. The dark green lehenga had golden motifs throughout. The actor paired it with a net dupatta in green. The actor tied her hair in a half bun while leaving the half loose in beachy waves. She opted for statement earrings, minimal makeup with soft kohl, nude lip tint and added a bindi to complete the traditional look.
Not too long ago the actor opted for an easy-breezy floral chiffon saree in ivory. The chiffon saree had floral print in shades of pink. The actor paired it with a sleeveless deep V-neck blouse. The blouse had the same pattern and floral print as the drape with a band pattern at the waist and neckline. The actor opted for a sleek ponytail and dewy makeup with ample mascara, kohl and nude glossy lip tint and wore green statement earrings with it.
We are swooning over Kiara's ethic choices.
Also Read: Kiara Advani Blooms Brighter Than A Sunflower In A Sunshine Yellow Dress