
Even A Short Workout Like Gabriella Dametriades' Can Give You A Healthy Body And "Change The Day"

Gabriella Demetriades shared a video of herself exercising in the gym for a short duration

Even A Short Workout Like Gabriella Dametriades' Can Give You A Healthy Body And "Change The Day"
Even A Short Workout Like Gabriella Dametriades' Can "Change The Day"

Gabriella Demetriades, is quite active on social media. From fashion to parenting to working out, one can always head to her Instagram profile for inspiration. Recently, the star shared a video on showcasing the benefits of how a 20-minute workout can change your day. In the video, we can see Gabriella performing various exercises and yoga asanas beneficial for the body. If, like Gabriella, you too are a busy body, here are some benefits you can get even with a mini workout.  

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1. Improve Your Overall Health 

As per Healthline, performing exercises in short bouts of at least 10 minutes of activity over the course of the day produces similar effects when compared with performing the same exercises for a longer period. Even having a short workout routine can improve your overall health and lead to better flexibility and balance. 

2. May Improve Exercise Adherence 

Having a proper exercise program over time requires patience and persistence. Shorter exercise sessions throughout the day may make it easier for you to stick to a routine and can lead to a healthier body.  

3. Boost Your Brain, Health And Mood 

Shorter duration workouts not only save time but also have many physical and psychological benefits. This type of workout routine boosts your brain, mood, as well as physical health. 

4. Easier To Fit In A Day 

As per Healthline, mini workouts are great as they are easier to fit in a day. It's easier for people who just don't have the time or inclination for long intense workout sessions. 

5. Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals 

Short workouts are easy to schedule and more effective to perform and commit to in the long term. These workouts are for those more inclined to focus and intensity, helping you reach your fitness goals easily.  

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