Madhuri Dixit is undoubtedly a Bollywood Queen with utmost poise and elegance. With each of her passing performances the diva has stunned her fans. Stilling winning hearts and grabbing eyeballs with every public appearance, Madhuri Dixit has an impeccable taste in fashion too. For her latest photoshoot for the reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa, the gorgeous diva took the desi route and gave the right kind of retro vibes in a red and gold polka dot saree. The breezy drape was the perfect combination of chic and stylish. The actor teamed the saree with a sequined gold blouse with puff sleeves which added a dramatic edge to her look. Accessorising the look with dangling earrings, and wearing minimal glam makeup with shimmering eyelids, soft kohled eyes and red lip colour, the diva looked simply phenomenal.
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Madhuri Dixit's ethnic wardrobe is filled with statement-making outfits and here is the proof. On the sets of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa she donned a stellar lehenga from label Manish Malhotra and looked as stunning as ever. The actor teamed the violet lehenga having abstract prints with a black halter neck blouse with sparkly sequined work. She opted for dewy makeup glam and kept her tresses open in natural waves. For accessories, the actor kept it simple yet stylish by opting for dangling earrings, bracelet and a statement ring. We are definitely bookmarking the look for the upcoming festive season.
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Madhuri Dixit, not very long ago draped a deep blue saree from Anita Dongre's designer label and won our hearts. The breezy drape in dark blue had leheriya prints in a lighter blue shade with a golden embroidered patti border. She paired the drape with a plain strappy blouse in dark blue. Madhuri opted for traditional statement earrings in golden shade and a metallic bracelet, as the only accessories. Leaving her mane loose in soft curls, the actor opted for minimal makeup, subtly-done eyes and glossy nude lip colour.
Aren't you too in awe of Madhuri Dixit's ethnic wardrobe?
Also Read: We Cannot Take Our Eyes Off Madhuri Dixit In An Emerald Green Festive Gown