Every pop music fan celebrated their Saturday grooving to Dua Lipa's music at her Mumbai concert. Many Bollywood celebrities attended the concert. Among them were Mahesh Babu's wife and daughter Namrata Shirodkar and Sitara Ghattamaneni. Sitara was seen wearing a silver off-shoulder bodycon dress that came with sequins all over it. She paired her dress with a black leather jacket by wrapping it around her waist. The star kid accessorised her look with black boots and a pair of silver hoops. With minimal base, lashed-up eyes, and pink lips, Sitara completed her look by leaving them tied in a messy side ponytail. The star kid looked extremely beautiful as she posed alongside her mother.
But this isn't the first time Sitara won her hearts with her simple and subtle fashion choices. In another look, the star kid was seen donning a beige sharara set by ace designer Jayanti Reddy Label. Her set came with a short beige embroidered kurta featuring a V-neckline and floral intricate detailing, which she paired with matching pants. She complemented her look with a diamond choker and a pair of earrings and went for a minimal, no-makeup look. With minimal style, Sitara effortlessly slayed her ethnic look.
Mahesh Babu's daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni is a stylish diva in the making whether in her ethnic looks or concert-ready fits.
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