Manushi Chhillar's top-notch fashion and impeccable style make her an icon among the country's youth. The former Miss World has been creating a buzz in the fashion world since her Bollywood debut in Samrat Prithviraj alongside Akshay Kumar. This year was special for the actress as she made her very first Cannes entry. The debutant kept the style meter high and running as she walked the red carpet at Cannes for the very first time. This time she was seen giving summer fashion goals as she walked in a bright green maxi dress on a sunny day. The strappy spaghetti dress from the clothing brand Dalida Ayach was a perfect summer must-have with a plunging neckline, comfortable fit, and layered ruffles. Manushi complemented her look with a pair of trendy sunglasses, a bold lip colour, and minimal makeup.
While Manushi Chhillar was at the Cannes Film Festival, the actress slipped into Galvan London's blue maxi dress and looked uber chic. The backless satin outfit featured spaghetti straps and a plunging neckline. Manushi paired her outfit with glam makeup consisting of smokey eyes and nude coral lips as she tied her hair in a sleek bun. For accessories, she picked an embellished clutch and golden studs.
Manushi Chhillar chose a stunning Gauri and Nainika strapless gown while at Cannes. The dress featured a corset pattern extending into a flowy tulle hem and a plunging sweetheart neckline on the base of ivory. The delicate floral prints in shades of crimson added charm to the strapless gown. She styled it all with gold accessories and kept her makeup minimal.
Manushi Chillar's sartorial choices are indeed admirable.
Also Read: Manushi Chhillar Shows Us What Fairytales Are Made Of In A Blush Pink Ruffle Dress
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