Gracing the red carpet of the VLCC Femina Miss India 2021 were celebrities Chitrangda Singh, Neha Dhupia and Vaani Kapoor. The red carpet was surely a glamorous affair as the celebrities served some serious glitzy looks for everyone to see. Neha Dhupia with her flowy boho chic signature look gave major modern-day gypsy style inspiration. Chitrangda Singh, on the other hand, kept it super chic in a flowy orange gown with a fluid silhouette. Vaani Kapoor, who also performed at the show, brought sequinned magnificence on the floor in a maroon sequinned mini dress paired with boots. Designers Falguni and Shane Peacok and actor Pulkit Samrat joined Neha Dhupia and Chitrangda Singh as part of the jury while Aparshakti Khurana swept the floor with his wit as the host of the night.
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Chitrangda Singh's drop dead gorgeous maxi dress was too good to be true and surely upped the fashion quotient and how. We took notice of the star from a distance, thanks to her bright orange hued maxi gown from designer Saisha Shinde, who glammed her perfectly for the occasion. Her look hit all the right notes on this occasion.
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Vaani Kapoor brought fun and flirty to the table with her dazzling performance but not without her stunning mini dress. Glamorous and glitzy in every sense of the way, Vaani Kapoor sizzled in a sequinned mini dress that featured a low neck and she paired her look with short boots fit for her show-stopping performance.
Neha Dhupia continued with her series of stylish boho chic looks yet again at the starry red carpet. The star picked a tie-dye maxi dress with a contrasting blue tie-dye jacket and paired it with chunky silver jewellery. We couldn't help but notice her perfectly coordinate outfit along with her silver clasp-on to complete her look.
Also Read: Neha Dhupia Is Bold And Beautiful In A Stunning Red Maxi
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