Trust Suhana Khan to always deliver winning fashion moments. The Gen-Z diva has quite a way with her style and repeatedly gives the internet gifts of sartorial significance. Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan's daughter has lived up to her reputation of being a stylish diva yet again as she wore a grey off-shoulder dress. The Archies actress shared a carousel post on her Instagram handle that depicted her showing off her outfit of the day along with a bow emoji as the caption.
Suhana Khan wore a gray coloured off-shoulder dress in a woven self-striped material that sculpted her figure in a complementary bodycon fit. On the accessories front, the actress teamed this look with similar-hued grey mini Hermes Kelly handbag as arm candy, along with a twilly styled around its top handle. What's more, she added a bit of sparkle to her look with heart-shaped diamond studs in her ears and a diamond drop pendant with a gold chain adorning her neckline to perfection.
For her hair and makeup picks of the day, Suhana went for dreamy waves in her hair that were half-tied with a black leather Prada hair clip as an accessory. She wore a minimal makeup look with dewy skin, a hint of blush on the cheeks, highlighted high points, fluffy brows, a wash of silver shimmer on her eyelids, mascara-laden fluttery lashes and a nude lip gloss to tie the look together.
Doesn't Suhana Khan look like a classic chic young lady in her off-shoulder dress teamed beautifully with a matching Hermes Kelly as arm candy and more? We say, a loud yes.
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