The Vanity Fair Oscars after-party saw celebrities from all over the world bring their fashionable best. It was indeed a star-studded evening under one roof in top-notch outfits. Indian celebrities looked stunning in their designer outfits. Deepika Padukone attended the party in a stellar pink embellished mini dress from designer Naeem Khan while Natasha Poonawalla opted for a metallic gold mini dress. The strapless outfit featured a ribbed bust line with a structured flare at the hem. She carried a metallic gold clutch purse, wore gold fringed boots, and kept her monochromatic look spotless. Her glammed-up makeup included dramatic winged eyeliner, well-contoured cheeks and pink lip colour.
Also Read: Natasha Poonawalla Gives Barbie A Run For Her Money In A Pink Versace Dress
Natasha Poonawalla wore a stunning tube gown in black for the Oscars ceremony and looked absolutely chic and stylish. The floor-sweeping outfit had a bodycon fit with a glamorous natural sheen. What added an edge to her all-black outfit was the ear-shaped metallic gold clutch that the diva carried. Leaving her hair at one side in natural curls, Natasha opted for heavy eye makeup and nude lip colour.
Also Read: 5 Times Natasha Poonawalla Made Us Swoon With Her Wardrobe Experiments
Natasha Poonawalla's fashion sense and style are super trendy. She is definitely a style queen who knows very well how to make a fashion statement. On visiting the White House, she picked a classic white saree by ace designer Sabyasachi. The white lace saree featured beautiful sequined work and fine pleated details at the borders. She teamed it with a stunning sleeveless blouse adorned with pearls and a plunging neckline and wore a matching white floor-sweeping bandhgala tweed jacket by Chanel with it. She wore statement pearl earrings, layered necklaces and a statement ring as her accessories.
Natasha Poonawalla is a pro fashionista with a diverse wardrobe, hence proven.
Also Read: Natasha Poonawalla's Sheer Paneled White Bodysuit With Platform Heels Is Truly Out Of This World