Sisters Neha Sharma and Aisha Sharma never fail to stun their fans with their impeccable style. From travel fashion to red carpet events, the sisters always steal the spotlight with their fashion quotient. For Dua Lipa's concert held in Mumbai recently, both Neha and Aisha arrived at the event in style. While Neha opted for a classier and chicer look in a blue denim bodycon dress. The fitted bodice accentuated her curves perfectly. The star paired her look with a light denim oversized jacket. She accessorised her look with black boots and a side sling bag. For her makeup, Neha kept it minimal with lots of blush, lashed-up eyes, and pink glossy lips. With her hair open, she looked chic as ever. On the other hand, Aisha went more for a semi-glam look and opted for a cutout black bralette. Her top featured multiple cuts at the bodice, adding a flair of drama to her look. She paired her top with mom jeans and sneakers. Aisha went for a subtle base, lots of blush and highlighter at all the right places, and brown lips, looking gorgeous as ever.
The sister duo always keeps it fashionable with their sleek pieces. In another look, Neha and Aisha stole the red carpet with their edgy outfits in red and black ensembles. At the event, both Aisha and Neha opted for black pieces. While Neha slipped into a little black dress with ruched bodices and long sleeves. She paired her look with a teal bag and flushed makeup. Aisha, on the other side, chose a pantsuit that came with a black oversized blazer, a red bodysuit, and black baggy pants. Aisha too went for bronze-tinted makeup while letting her hair open loose.
Aisha and Neha never fail to make heads turn with their edgy outfits.
Also Read: Neha And Aisha Sharma Are “Sundaying The Right Way” Twinning In All-Black Ensembles
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