Days after celebrating their big day in Hyderabad, the Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya were spotted in Mumbai for the occasion of Aaliyah Kashyap and Shane Gregoire's wedding reception. The couple made waves with their traditional wedding outfits and continued to headline the stylish wedding guest list for this star kid's wedding. Sobhita Dhulipala chose her trousseau pieces to shine on the traditional front long after her wedding was over as well. For Aaliyah Kashyap and Shane Gregoire's reception, she wore a custom Torani suit designed in a regal golden sheen with a traditional Hyderabadi Khada Dupatta style. With a melange of a soft pistachio green, Sobhita Dhulipala owned every inch of this fashion moment. She also added traditional gold earrings to add to the traditional festive aesthetic. To top it all off, she went with embroidered juttis to prove comfort and style can walk hand in hand with the right footwear.
Also Read: Sobhita Dhulipala Was A Total Glamazon In A Gold Tarun Tahiliani Gown For Her Cocktail Party
It would not be an exaggeration to say that Sobhita's elegant beauty look truly left us impressed too. She stayed true to her signature chart-topping nude makeup look. The matte glam topped with nude lips and winged eyeliner and kohl-rimmed eyes was perfect to round off the look. The sleek bun effortlessly amplified her look and matched the equally captivating glam.
To complement his wife, opted for a suave look in a black outfit. With a flattering fit, Naga Chaitanya's style was one for the books. Her paired a black suit with white shirt to keep it chic and classic.