Be it by making an impact in the film industry or impressing fashion critics with her sartorial sensibilities, Priyanka Chopra has always put her best foot forward. The star treated us to a throwback picture of when she was 21. It proves that, in the style department, she was always ahead of her time. Back then, Priyanka picked out a leopard-printed bikini that came with dramatic crisscrossed straps running across her chest. The plunging neckline bralette featured bow details at the hem, elevating her raunchy allure. She paired the bikini with matching bottoms peeking through her brown leather trousers. A circular patterned waist belt and similarly designed chunky necklace rounded off her sensuous avatar. Her 90s-themed makeup comprised of ample highlighter and bronzed cheeks with nude glossy lips and mascara-coated lashes. With her outfit so bold, Priyanka's sole accessory was a cowboy hat tucked atop her casually messy hairdo.
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In the same string of throwback photos, Priyanka Chopra offered us another sneak peek of her bold power dressing. This time, she played with cutouts and how. Safe to say, this style trend that has now become a fashion staple, was pulled off effortlessly by her much earlier. She chose to wear a high-neck top in the silver shade boasting multiple cutouts throughout. Her beige bralette peeped from underneath, levelling up her risque quotient. A mini denim skirt that was a rage in the 1980s served oomph. Priyanka's bronzed makeup sealed her chic look.
Priyanka Chopra's fashion wardrobe witnessed a 360-degree transformation over the years. Her Instagram holds proof. Last year at the F1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi, the actress gave a feisty twist to the Barbiecore trend. She leaned on fashion label Y/PROJECT and slipped into a strap pink and black-toned midi dress that came with structured side slits. Featuring optical illusion shades and a form-fitting silhouette that hugged every curve of her body, Priyanka's outfit boasted a sleek fashion statement. A rosy glam makeover and loose beach waves enhanced her charm.
Priyanka Chopra rules the fashion world like a true queen.
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