The six-yard staple has been a fashion favourite but styling it in multiple ways is an art. From 'look-at-me' sequin numbers to beautiful 'restrained' Banarasi numbers, sarees have sartorial credibility and carrying that right this time is Nikki Tamboli. The star has always been known for adding a modern twist to everything that she adorns and yet again she is making the simple saree look better with her impeccable style. In a recent photo shoot, Nikki was seen adorning an ivory-toned saree that came with traditional gold-toned and maroon borders. She paired it with a maroon, plunging neckline blouse that instantly added a a personal touch to the look. But what really added weightage to her style was the beautiful, traditional gold jewellery which featured a heavy-duty necklace and statement earrings.
Spicing up Indian fits is Nikki Tamboli's style scene. Pre-draped sarees never looked so good until Nikki Tamboli gave her bold, shimmery spin to it. She gave a modern twist to the silhouette in a sequin drape. Her style featured a dramatic thigh-high side slit, sequin details throughout and a gorgeous pallu. She is making this new version of her saree a party starter!
We would any day switch the brightest of hues for a glitzy silver silhouette and Nikki Tamboli is giving us all the reasons to do so. With the most modest touch to it, she made the classic saree look even more appealing. You can truly trust the actress to give a modern touch to everything that she adorns and her silver sheer saree with a backless blouse is proof!