Kareena Kapoor has rightfully earned the title of Bollywood's OG fashionista. From traditional wonders to Western numbers, she can ace it all. For the cover shoot of a magazine, Kareena picked an all-black, three-piece outfit by Hermes, proving that black is the colour of all seasons. Her OOTD comprised of a halter neck ribbed top tucked into a pair of flared trousers. Two metallic zips on one side of the bottomwear added an element of functionality. Contributing to her boss-babe charm, the actress layered her attire with a lapel-collared trench coat. Its length extended dramatically below her knees, offering a unique spin. We are definitely taking notes from the actress to ace chic style.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor's Effortlessly Chic Avatar Makes Us Want To Relive Our Summer Beach Days
For a promotion event of her film Crew, Kareena Kapoor exhibited biker-girl energy with a touch of femininity through her OOTD. She picked out a broad-stapped black halter neck crop top paired with a mermaid-fit black skirt. With her enviable frame on full display, Kareena redefined the meaning of power dressing.
Before that, Kareena Kapoor left us gushing in a black ruched bodycon dress by designer label Alberta Ferretti. Even in the basic chic spectacle, she left no crumbs behind. The figure-hugging silhouette paved the way for her curves to stand out. The fitted ensemble also came with a cold-shoulder feature.
Kareena Kapoor never fails to dish out some chic fashion inspiration