Palak Tiwari aces everything like a pro on the fashion front. Recently, the actress was having the best time at Atlantis The Palm, Dubai and indeed, it was a fashion feast for the eyes. She posted an array of pictures from her trip and the fashion quo was immediately doubled as she shared her beach pictures. She took a tad bitter of glitz to the beaches in her latest OOTD. The actress paired a teal blue sequin bikini top with white cargo pants. The backless style her fit was enough to single-handedly add heat to the already rising temperatures. Her glam game was right on point with tinted cheeks, glossy nude lips and mascara laden lashes. She kept it super minimal and let her outfit do all the talking.
Also Read: Palak Tiwari Enjoyed An Iconic Japanese Meal And Marine Life Views At This Legendary Hotel In Dubai
Palak Tiwari's beach style is all about acing a comfy chic statement. It is above and beyond the regular beachwear game. Previously, the actress opted for a super casual look to soak in sunshine at the beach. She looked chic as she paired a yellow crop top with comfy white flared bottoms. Her natural look with flushed cheeks and open tresses was beach beauty at its best.
Also Read: Even Ibrahim Ali Khan Couldn't Deny That Palak Tiwari Was "Looking Good" In Her Monsoon Casuals
Trust Palak Tiwari to make beach fashion game so much better this season