Palak Tiwari made her Bollywood debut in Kisika Bhai Kisiki Jaan and has set the internet on fire. Since her super hit song, the Bijlee girl has been fashionably on a roll. Whether movie promotions or travel diaries, Palak Tiwari's sartorial choices have always been appreciated. This time the actress looks gorgeous in an embellished grey lehenga. The flared lehenga had mirrorwork detailing all throughout with a beautiful flare as she teamed it with a strappy blouse having a plunging neckline. She carried a breezy dupatta with the outfit which had mirror details on the sheer base. Palak's minimal glam makeup included kohl-laden eyes, ample mascara, nude makeup, and matte lip colour.
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Earlier, we were stunned by Palak Tiwari's two-toned lehenga set. She picked a pink and orange-coloured piece from the clothing brand Priyal Prakash House of Design. The lehenga featured multi-coloured vertical panels and delicate embellishments. Palak matched it with a pink strappy embellished blouse showing a plunging sweetheart neckline. She accessorised herself with traditional jhumkas. Palak opted for her signature nude makeup and left her hair open.
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Palak Tiwari's chikankari lehenga in a pastel colour palette from Dolly J came with pink floral detailing and elaborate sequins and embellishments. Palak matched it with a stylish sequined blouse showing a deep neckline. Her sequined dupatta complemented her attire. She wore dangler earrings as accessories while her makeup included contoured cheeks, ample mascara, sleek eyeliner and a dash of nude glossy shade on the lips.
We are in awe of Palak Tiwari's ethnic wardrobe and sass.
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