Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra has been busy in the recent months, shooting for her upcoming film Namaste England with co-star Arjun Kapoor in London. Parineeti's Instagram account is proof that besides working hard, which she surely does, she has also been making the most of her time in the beautiful city of London. From being touristy to chilling at roadside cafes, she has managed to turn her work trip into a holiday too. And after all the fun, she finally returned to Mumbai yesterday, grabbing all attention with her new look at the airport.
Parineeti has often picked comfort wear for her travel, from sporting track pants and denim to easy dresses and shorts. This time too she stuck to casuals but decided to notch up its cool quotient. Anyone would agree that her choice of teaming a sweatshirt with a slit skirt and slip-on shoes is spot on, with 'comfort' written all over it, and she has also accessorised it perfectly with the trendy fanny pack. But the put-off factor in her look is the over the top branding in all of them.
(Also read: Deepika Padukone And Sonam Kapoor Are Making Oversized Shirts A Travel Essential)
There's clearly no need to guess which designer labels Parineeti is wearing. The black sweatshirt and skirt are from Ivy Park, an activewear brand co-founded by Beyonce; shoes from Givenchy; and the fanny pack from YSL.
Parineeti Chopra has had her round of ups and downs in terms of her style choices. Now, we are not saying that brand logos on clothing or accessories is a strict no no, but one must know how to keep it subtle. You can wear a tee with a printed logo but play down rest of your look to make a chic style statement. But going overboard with flashy brand logos all over is just not classy. Agree or not?
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