Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra has had an action-packed year with her grand Indian white wedding grabbing more than a few headlines for its minimal yet chic style, beauty and decor. But if you thought that's where the star's wedding glamour story ends, think again. For her first Karwa Chauth after marrying AAP MP Raghav Chadha, Parineeti proved that she is on point with the latest trends, by choosing a mehendi style that is en vogue this season. The Tiranga Star picked a figure design of a woman dressed in a lehenga holding a sieve in one hand as she peeks a glance at the moon through it. The lehenga features intricate detailing on the lower half of the flared skirt which extends to Parineeti's fingers. The dupatta carried the same intricate designs pairing well with the skirt and matching blouse. The overall look of the design was minimal and yet very much on trend. While it's unclear where Raghav's name or initials are hidden in her mehendi, one can only assume that Parineeti followed tradition and picked a cosy spot in which to nestle that oft-used detail in her design. Her pink choodas were clearly visible in the image that she shared on social media as was her wedding band. She described the moment in just one word, "waiting" and added a moon emoji as well.
Also Read: Karwa Chauth 2023: Top Trending Mehendi Designs To Bookmark For The Festive Season
Other trending henna designs from this season include floral designs, moon designs with floral embellishments, a mix and match of multiple styles, traditional bridal mehendi and designs that make the partner's name the centre point of the structure. For more on those and to watch many of the trending designs of the season in the making, watch the video below.
For their first Karwa Chauth mehendi, most brides opt for a less heavy-duty version of the bridal mehendi but like Parineeti, Kiara Advani went the minimalist route by far with just a tiny star in the centre of her palm while her wedding bands shone through.
Karwa Chauth 2023 has seen a whole host of new henna designs, many of them heavy and intricate, but with celebrity brides like Parineeti and Kiara consciously choosing the "less is more" route, it might well indicate a trend turning to favour softer, hassle-free mehendi looks.