Trust Preity Zinta to set the fashion bar higher with her ever-so-fabulous style. The former actress always exerts her sartorial charm through a versatile fashion moodboard. Recently, Preity served another dose of style that took her “on top of the world”. She shared snippets from her latest shoot, which was worth bookmarking. She pulled off an effortlessly glamorous look in a colour blocked gown. The backless number featured a stunning orange and purple contrast that added a pop of colour to summer. With tied detailing on the back, the gown featured a halter neckline. A matching belt with a silver buckle added structure to the outfit. From the figure-grazing pattern to the bright colour palette, Preity's look was made to impress. From the accessories aisle, the actress simply picked a pair of over-the-top danglers that added a gleam to her look.
Everytime Preity Zinta “strikes a pose”, it's a stylish one. Previously, the actress wore this green mini dress that came with a floral print. With a loose fitted pattern, the outfit featured a close-up neckline. Bishop-style full sleeves and a broad black belt added all kinds of drama to her look. Bright red lips were the perfect choice to notch up her look.
When Preity Zinta aces a monochrome look, it deserves a place of its own in our style books. For one of the IPL events, Preity cheered for her squad in its jersey's colour. The actress wore a gorgeous bright red midi dress that served monochrome magic at its best. The sleeveless dress featured a closeup neckline and the clean silhouette was the cherry on top.
Preity Zinta's style game continues to top the fashion charts.