Priyanka Chopra always sets the bar high with her fashion choices. She is bold, fierce and someone who doesn't shy away from experimenting with her outfits. The actress is currently promoting her upcoming project The Matrix Resurrections in full swing. And, for day 2 of the promotions, PeeCee has picked a stunning black and white printed ensemble by Roberto Cavalli. Her dress featured what looked like snake print designs along with full-sleeves and a rounded deep neckline. To elevate her style game, Priyanka pulled a matching blazer on the top. She accessorised her look with a pair of golden dangler earrings. Those black pumps complemented her overall appearance. For makeup, Priyanka Chopra wore dark brows, contoured cheeks and red colour on her lips. She kept her hair open in soft curls.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra's Bodycon Dress And Serpentine Braid Edge Out Everyone Else
Priyanka Chopra is coming up with fabulous fashion statements one after the other for her upcoming film promotions. On Day 1, we saw the actress rocking a bodycon dress in style. She slipped in a figure-hugging ensemble that showed full sleeves and a separated turtle neckline. Her printed midi dress showed blue coloured brush strokes on white base. For this, she went with a long braid with a few strands framing her face.
It's always a treat to see Priyanka Chopra in printed numbers. A while back, the actress stepped out wearing a floral bodysuit gathered at the chest along with matching pants. To add that extra zing to her style, Priyanka threw a matching voluminous coat that featured power shoulders. Her cat eyeliner and nude-brown lips enhanced the look while she had her hair tied up.
Whether it's western or ethnic, it's amazing how Priyanka Chopra carries her outfits with grace. We saw her all decked up in a velvet three-piece ethnic number designed by Sabyasachi for a Diwali bash. Here, she matched her short kurti with sharara pants and a dupatta. Priyanka adorned herself with a green neckpiece, stacked silver bangles and rose-tinted sunglasses to exude the retro vibes.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra's Floral Fantasy Came To Life At The Fashion Awards 2021 In London
Priyanka Chopra is gorgeous and ends up giving some fashion goals whenever she steps out. Once, she made our day wearing this red printed dress that featured long sleeves. The actress complemented the look with a pair of slider sandals.
Priyanka Chopra makes printed outfits look better. She once posted a selfie wearing a blue and white printed number that showed patterns. For accessories, she took stacked golden bracelets. For makeup, she has a pink shade on her lips. Don't forget her tinted sunglasses.
What do you think about Priyanka Chopra's classy fashion sense?
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Brings Back Retro Fashion In An Orange And Green Velvet Sabyasachi Sharara
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