Radhika Madan is currently on a roll. She is busy promoting her upcoming film Kuttey in full swing. She shared glimpses of her latest look and we are smitten with her look of the day. The actress opted for a stunning mustard Aztec print jacket from the fashion designer Nikita Wadhwa Mhaisalkar. Radhika wore it as a dress and showed us how everything has potential in the fashion space. She also added a brown statement belt at the waist to add an extra edge to her OOTD. For the unversed, Aztec print resemble a mix of zig-zag, polka dots, stripes, and other patterns imbibed in solid shapes to give a unique look to the outfit. Radhika completed her look with black pointed bellies. For makeup, she wore contoured cheeks, kohl-rimmed eyes, mascara on the eyelashes, and a nude shade on her lips. She left her straight hair open for this one.
Also Read: Radhika Madan's Cutout Black Jumpsuit Has Got The Power (Shoulders)
How far would you go to make a fashion statement? Radhika Madan would travel the length and breadth of the world to achieve it. Radhika Madan wore a deep blue strapless tie-up top teamed with oversized two-toned cargo trousers. She aced the look with a statement neckpiece. Her makeup showed shimmery eyeshadow, mascara-laden eyelashes, and a glossy coral shade on the lips. She styled her hair in curls to perfection.
An all-black look can be your go-to choice on any day and for simply any occasion. Proving the power of black is Radhika Madan in this lovely ensemble. She looked gorgeous in a jaw-dropping black jumpsuit with cutouts on the side. Her stylish outfit had creatively constructed shoulders too to make a fashion statement The zip-up closure and dramatic cutouts on the side took her overall look to a whole new level altogether. Radhika added more charm to her look with winged eyeliner and nude lips. Her side-swept hair suited her overall appearance.
Bright colours can brighten up your mood. Look at Radhika Madan in this super chic purple dress from Malie and tell us she isn't happy to wear it. Exactly, you can't! The off-shoulder pick had ruffled detailing making it all the more attractive which she further styled with hoops and rings from the accessory department. Her minimal makeup with nude lips complemented the OOTD.
Radhika Madan left our hearts racing in this epic combination of black and white not very long ago. She opted for an all-black two-piece set from the brand Sameer Madan. Radhika went for a one-shoulder black crop top with matching wide-legged pants. That black and white blazer on top added more pizzazz to her look. Radhika wore golden hoops as an accessory. Her glamorous makeup and ponytail accompanied the look.
Let's agree, Radhika Madan is a fashionista and she can inspire us to add some really cool outfits to our wardrobes.
Also Read: Radhika Madan Brings A 'Snow Storm' In A Shredded White Skirt, Silver Leather Trench Coat