ICYMI Bollywood sisters too delved into the festivities of Raksha Bandhan with great fervour. Dishing out sibling goals were Kriti Sanon and Nupur Sanon as well. While there remains no doubt that both are true-blue fashionistas, the duo's shared beauty love makes their bond extra special. In a fun video shared by the Sanon sisters on Instagram, Kriti and Nupur were seen getting their makeup done for an occasion. They started by applying primer, before adding foundation. After blending the products evenly, it was time for concealer. Nupur dabbed the concealer under her eyes and around her chin and blended it with a makeup brush. Kriti helped her sister with eyeshadow, before putting blush on her cheeks. She curled her lashes and wore a pair of golden earrings. Finally, Kriti and Nupur enhanced their makeup game with lip tints. While Kriti's was a glossy pink, Nupur chose a brown one.
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On a recent trip to London, Kriti showcased her blemish-free skin, underlining her skincare regimen. She opted for a dewy base, the bright sun illuminating her face further. Shimmery cheeks might as well have been the brilliant work of a highlighter. Nude lips catered to Kriti's love for minimalistic beauty hacks. Eyeshadow and wispy mascara-coated lashes elevated her allure.
Previously Nupur aced a “proper red lip for the first time” and she had us searching for a pen and paper to take notes. The slightly glossy tint was simply a game changer. Nupur went with a glowing foundation, while dabbing contour and blush on the high points of her cheeks. Minimal eye drama comprising of eyeshadow and fluttery lashes sealed her avatar.
We hope the Sanon sisters continue to treat us with more makeup looks.
(Also Read: See The Greek Island Of Santorini Through The Eyes Of Kriti Sanon And Nupur Sanon On Their European Vacation)