Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are “already a month” into marriage. And lately, their life has all been about basking in love and striking the right fashion chords. In her recent Instagram entry, Rakul Preet Singh put her chic foot forward, with Jackky complementing his wife like a good husband. It wasn't a surprise when the actress rested her faith on a gold mini-dress by Falguni Shane Peacock. After all, the designer was the one who tailored Rakul's dreamy cocktail look. Featuring padded shoulders and an ample play of sequins, the diva served a glitzy dose of inspiration. The structured patterns on the mesh fabric delivered an edgy touch. A tight ponytail added zing to her minimal glam makeup. Rakul added a bridal element to her OOTD by wearing her pink choodas.
Jackky Bhagnani also took the sequinned route, wearing a full-sleeved black kurta. The glittery embellishments on the outfit sparkled like twinkling stars. The credit for the ethnic piece goes to Kunal Rawal, the designer who created Jackky's red-tinted kurta set for the wedding festivities. A bearded look sealed Jackky's suave avatar.
At an awards show, Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani bagged the Most Stylish Couple trophy. For the outing, the actress leaned on a black cropped blouse and matching figure-hugging mermaid skirt. The chic bustier got its oomph from the scalloped hemline and golden front zipper. As for the high-waist bottoms, the floor-sweeping train was a classic masterpiece. Crafted with perfection by Manish Gharat, Rakul's aristocratic style statement got a boost from the chunky golden accessories, light beauty brushes, and a neatly secured updo.
Jackky Bhagnani opted for a mix-and-match look, delivering class at its finest. Twinning with his wife in black, the actor looked dapper in a collared, buttoned-up shirt and matching baggy trousers from Jack & Jones. A man of taste, he took his handsomeness a notch higher by layering the shirt with a trench coach from Samreen Madan's label. The full-sleeved number came with lapel collars and tailored leathering on the bodice and sleeves.
Rakul Preet Singh recently got candid with NDTV Swirlster at the Lakme Fashion Week X FDCI. Here's everything she had to say:
We are sure Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have several other suave looks up their sleeves.