Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Baghnani tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony in Goa and their fans are totally amazed by their pictures from their magical day. Not only are we positively surprised with their choice of colour scheme but also with how well their wedding outfits have been co-ordinated. Both, Jackky and Rakul Preet's outfits were crafted by designer Tarun Tahiliani. Rakul's dreamy lehenga consisted of a full-sleeved blouse in blush pink with embroidered floral motifs and fine threadwork and a gorgeous lehenga bottom with matching work. She carried the sheer dupatta like a veil In the recent post shared by the designer, it was discovered that the exquisite lehenga of Rakul was hand-embroidered and took over a thousand arts to be crafted by the craftsmen. The post read, "Intricately hand-embroidered and bedecked with three-dimensional floral motifs in captivating ivory and blush hues. Crafted over a couple of thousand hours by our master artistans, the ensemble brought to life TT Bride @rakulpreet's inherent spirit and charm. #TTBrides #Rakulpreet #Craftsmanship #TarunTahiliani"
While the bride's lehenga showcased magnificent craftsmanship to perfection, the groom's traditional outfit was an ode to legacy and craftsmanship. The designer took inspiration from Kashmir's beauty, culture and artistry to make Jackky's sherwani for the big day. Kashmir's iconic chinar leaf pattern was the central idea behind the groom's attire. The ivory sherwani was teamed with an ivory churidar and Jackky carried a matching stole with intricate motifs and embroidery. He wore a pastel turban to go with the look.
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani's bridal outfits were breathtaking and a work of art. The wedding was a closed-door affair with very few pictures that surfaced until recently. Click on the link below for the couple's first look and the style of some of their celebrity wedding guests.
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