The internet was flooded at the end of November 2023 when Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda and model Lin Laishram tied the knot in a traditional wedding in Imphal, Manipur. Two weeks later, we saw the majestic couple throw a reception in Mumbai. The couple looked absolutely enthralling in their black and red attires. While Randeep wore an exquisite bandhgala with a pair of trousers, Lin donned a shimmery red lehenga. Both outfits were from designer label Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna. Randeep's bandhgala had delicate floral embroidery with gold buttons and cuffs. Lin's ombre lehenga in red graded to deep maroon towards the borders and had delicate embellishment along with shimmery sequins. She carried the dupatta as a veil over her head. She accessorised the look with a statement diamond necklace and a pair of dangling earrings. For makeup, she kept it minimal, subtle, and rosy. Lin wore subtle kohl in the eyes, ample mascara, a rosy cheek tint, and a nude lip colour.
Also Read: Randeep Hooda And Lin Laishram's Wedding Style In Handloom Outfits Are Dreamlike
For their reception in Manipur, Randeep Hooda and Lin Laishram picked a set of traditional outfits. Randeep wore a full-sleeved traditional handloom kurta from the clothing label Wangkhei Phee Mantri and teamed it with a dhoti-like bottom. Lin opted for an embroidered rani inaphi and phige phanek with zari work and fine thread from Wangkhei Phee Mantri. Lin complemented her traditional outfit with traditional jewellery. Her glam makeup was on point with kohl-laden eyes with winged eyeliner, curled lashes, ample mascara, dewy makeup, and pink lip tint.
We have loved each and every one of Randeep Hooda and Lin Laishram's wedding looks.
Also Read: Randeep Hooda And Lin Laishram Look "Two" Good To Be True In Pastel Couple Outfits