It is award season all over the world and that includes in Bollywood as well. Last night, the Zee Cine Awards 2023 took place and saw A-listers from the acting world come out in large numbers. There was Kriti Sanon in a sparkling number and Alia Bhatt showcasing her new mom style. There were many more attendees including Kiara Advani, Pooja Hegde and Sunny Leone who took the night's red carpet a few notches higher. And then was Rashmika Mandanna who stood apart from the crowd with her statement-making style moment.
(Also Read: Rashmika Mandanna Makes Every Day Basics Look Trendy In A Stylish Striped Dress And Fuchsia Coat)
Rashmika opted for a black dress which featured a strapless neckline and short length. It was dual-patterned with the mini dress made of a black lace overlay on top of a beige inner. It led to an exaggerated cold shoulder detail on one arm and flowing train behind her, both of a metallic black fabric. Rashmika kept her footwear minimal with clear strap heels having gold anklet detailing. Jewellery included only a number of rings and stud earrings.
(Also Read: Rashmika Mandanna's Nautical Style Sails Away In A Rs 1.78 Lakh Cardigan, Jeans)
Rashmika's choice of an updo hairstyle was the right one as it allowed all the focus to be on her face and neckline, rather than it being covered up. For makeup, she went with glowing skin that was highlighted magnificently and dark brows with a neutral glossy lip. Ms. Mandanna's mini dress moment certainly scored maximum points in our books.
(Also Read: You'd Think Rashmika Mandanna Was Going For Judo Rather Than The Red Carpet In Her White Pantsuit)