Raveena Tandon has recently been taking some time off work to spend a hot minute on the beach hand-in-hand with her daughter Rasha Thadani. The Patna Shukla actress posted a reel full of deep ocean blues, sun, sand and more with her daughter on her Instagram handle along with the caption, "The Deep Blue Sea and Me.#holidaydump". The reel showed the mama and daughter duo having the time of their lives while on vacation; enjoying water sports, posing for loved-up selfies and more.
Raveena Tandon is spending quality time with her daughter Rasha Thadani on the beach relishing some good-old mother-daughter time. Both of them were savouring each minute on a yacht speeding through the ocean or basking in the glory of the holiday sun while wearing chic swimwear and sunglasses. Raveena wore a lime green shirt style cover-up, a white and green sun visor and a pair of aviator sunglasses over her similar-hued swimwear. Rasha picked a white peasant dress with narrow straps as a beach cover-up over a pink swimsuit and went for a pair of white rectangular Prada Symbole sunglasses. The pair looked chic as ever in their vacation avatars. Raveena and Rasha posed for fun selfies. Mother was seen riding a water scooter while her daughter was enjoying a slice of pizza and singing and grooving into the camera as Raveena caught her on camera. The two of them were also seen taking a dip in the ocean and enjoying the fresh water under the open clean skies. They sure seemed to be having quite a terrific vacay together. Raveena Tandon and Rasha Thadani amidst the blue waters were like two peas in a pod. Makes us want to spend one-on-one vacay time with our mamas. |