Shraddha Kapoor was the latest star to arrive at the Red Sea Film Festival in Saudi Arabia where she served a chic moment on the red carpet. The actress picked a shimmery gown from the Rang Mahal collection by Falguni and Shane Peacock. The strapless piece featured a deep neckline and a floor-sweeping skirt with an extravagant train. The multicoloured embellishments on the dress were inspired by floral and natural elements. In addition to the unique draping, it had a net sleeve that was attached to an embroidered belt on one side. The design was a contemporary take on a timeless style, especially when combined with the figure-hugging, mermaid-shaped silhouette. The gown had kaleidoscope-like glittering, multicoloured diamantes strewn throughout the outfit. Ditching the jewellery, Shraddha allowed her gown to take centre stage. For makeup, she opted for smeared smokey eyes, winged eyeliner, flushed cheeks and berry lips.
Last week, Kareena Kapoor marked her attendance at the Red Sea Film Festival. The actress wore a floral-detail gown from Oscar De La Renta that simply exuded elegance. The ultra-feminine evening outfit featured exquisite three-dimensional orchid embroideries near the neckline and a pocket on one side. The plum-hued velvet gown with a corset column silhouette created a stunning, tactile design. The strapless piece curated by her group of stylists also had a concealed back zipper and a centre back slit for providing comfort while walking. Additionally, a netmask in the same hue added a touch of drama to her outfit.
Ranbir Kapoor also attended the Red Sea Film Festival on Sunday. The actor walked the red carpet in a red and black Indo-Western ensemble. He wore a red bandhgala jacket featuring intricate brocade embroidery, raised collar, front hidden button closures, full-length sleeves, padded shoulders, a tailored fitting, and a curved hem. Ranbir paired the jacket with a white shirt and black pants. To accentuate the look, the actor also wore black dress shoes and sunglasses and styled it with a trimmed beard and a backswept hairdo.
Ranbir kapoor with Olivia wilde at red sea international film festival ????⚡
— sach???? (@vardaanvibe) December 8, 2024
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor's Black Pantsuit Is The Boardroom Chic Version Of The Classic Black Dress
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