The celebrities of Bollywood have taken off for their year-end holidays and with it, making sure they close the curtains to 2021 in style. While Disha Patani is living it up in Maldives in her best bikinis, Samantha Ruth Prabhu has headed closer home to bring in the New Year 2022 in Goa. The film star is visiting the sunshine state and has seemingly packed her best beach wear for the occasion. Samantha posed for a photo at what seems to be a waterfall. With rocky terrain and flowing water as her backdrop, Samantha added a touch of vibrance with a colourful swimsuit. The thin strap suit featured a plunging neckline and had a fitted form adorned with multiple colours in a decorative pattern. The only accessory on Samantha was a wide smile and honestly, that was all she needed.
(Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu Is Dropping Jaws In A Gorgeous Blue Lehenga)
Christmas was extra merry and bright for us and it's all thanks to Samantha. With a Christmas tree in her background, Samantha made a heart symbol while wearing a festive outfit. She picked a slinky black bodycon gown which featured a halter-style neckline and complemented her wavy bob hairstyle.
The fact of the matter is Samantha doesn't need an occasion to dress up. Even when the holidays are not in town, she can look her finest. There was the time she looked dreamy in something as simple as a patterned maxi dress. With gold jewellery and a low ponytail, Samantha didn't need much to shine.
(Also Read: Samantha Ruth Prabhu Won Hearts In An Anamika Khanna Co-Ord Set And Statement Jacket)