From traditional heritage pieces to silky silhouettes, Sobhita Dhulipala's wardrobe has it all. Recently, Sobhita attended ace designer Satya Paul's store launch event in Hyderabad. She opted for a safari-printed saree from the designer's label and matched it with a black-coloured sleeveless blouse. The Made In Heaven actress accessorised her look with a statement gold neckpiece featuring chains adorned with uncut precious gemstones. A pair of big golden hoops added more style. And, then there was her huge diamond engagement ring that she wore proudly after her engagement to South Indian actor Naga Chaitanya, son of Nagarjuna. For makeup, she went with a matte base, blush-contoured cheeks, muted smokey eyes, and brown-tinted lips. A low-styled bun sealed her ethnic avatar.
Also Read: Sobhita Dhulipala Turned This Simple Yellow And Red Saree Into A Bonafide Airport Fashion Look
Sobhita Dhulipala keeps impressing us with her on-fleek sartorial statements at public events. Last month, she attended a special screening of the docu-series Angry Young Men and caught much attention with her look. For the preview night, Sobhita wore a sleeveless denim jumpsuit. Collars added dimension while the not-so-cinched waist and flared trousers stood as a testament to her relaxed outfit preferences. Sobhita completed her look with the right beauty strokes comprising nude makeup. Hoop earrings shined through her open, curly tresses.
Before that, when Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya got engaged, the actress shared a couple of pictures from the ceremony on Instagram. For the special occasion, Sobhita draped herself in a peach and orange-hued saree from Manish Malhotra's collection. The bride-to-be completed her look with a gold necklace, matar mala and a pair of jhumkas. On the other hand, Naga Chaitanya complemented his fiancee by putting on a classic pattu pancha, laalchi and kanduva, a traditional three-piece set worn by the men of Andhra Pradesh.
Sobhita Dhulipala is undoubtedly a fashion forerunner and we cannot wait for her to treat us to more stunning looks.
Also Read: Sobhita Dhulipala Radiated Summer Elegance In A Rs 4000 Backless Satin Slip Zara Dress