Sanya Malhotra had the time of her life during her recent Thailand vacation and her Instagram timeline stands as proof. She was kind enough to share glimpses of her beach getaway on the platform, with a sprinkle of her tropical fashion. In her latest social media entry, the Jawan actress slipped into a halter neck mini dress. She channeled her inner Moana in the flowy fit, featuring halter neck straps and a knitted bustier. The delicate monotone beadwork on the straps added a coastal edge to the fit. Cascading down in pleats, the breezy ensemble aligned with Sanya's mood for relaxation. White shell earrings and a watch were her sole accessories for the day out. For makeup, the diva allowed her natural radiance with rosy cheeks and glossy pink lips offering the finishing touches.
(Also Read: Inside Sanya Malhotra's Fun Thailand Trip; 5 Interesting Things To Enjoy In The Country)
When in Thailand, swimsuits are a must because taking a dip in the pool amid scorching temperatures is an unparalleled joy. Sanya Malhotra knows it all too well. In another Instagram drop, the actress leaned on a two-piece swimwear in the red shade. The plunging neckline bikini top formed scalloped edges below, while the high-waist bottoms served the perfect matched style statement.
That's not all; Sanya decided to spice up her beachwear by adding a twist of denim. Earlier, she layered a bright red bikini with a pair of distressed denim shorts and a pin-striped blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves. A red cap delivered the chic factor.
In striking contrast to the changing colours of the setting sun across the horizon, Sanya resorted to an all-black avatar. A deep neckline bralette came coupled with a mermaid-fit skirt. A semi-sheer shrug wrapped around her shoulders helped her beach-ready look come to a full circle. Minimal glam beauty strokes with a hint of tan, a delicate white neck chain, and small studs completed her look. Her hair was tied in a messy bun.
Sanya Malhotra's Thailand diaries scream both fun and fashion.
(Also Read: Sanya Malhotra's All-Black Breezy Bralette Look Sets The Tone For Her Relaxing Thai Beach Vacation)