All that glitters is Sara Ali Khan and we mean it solely after seeing her stint at the star-studded launch of Jio World Plaza in Mumbai. She took the ramp by storm as the stunning muse of renowned designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla. She fearlessly embraced the bling with a sequin-studded two-piece set. Her high-rise skirt featured a figure-hugging design with a subtle flare below the knees. Paired with a matching bustier that showcased full sleeves and a daring plunging neckline at both the front and back, her outfit made a bold statement. Choosing to forgo jewellery, Sara let her outfit do all the talking. Her makeup was on point with generous kohl, fluttery lashes, nude lips, and flawlessly arched brows. An artistically styled hairdo added the perfect finishing touch to her absolutely gorgeous look.
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Sequins and Sara Ali Khan go hand in hand. The sleeveless design, coupled with the form-fitting silhouette, added an enticing touch to her overall look. What truly stole the show were the fringes that adorned the floor-length dress and infused it with a generous dose of pizzazz. Sara is well aware that when a dress shines brilliantly, it's crucial to keep accessories minimal. She opted for stud earrings and a sleek bracelet. Her chic, messy bun perfectly complemented her gorgeous look. Sara's impeccable makeup featured smoky eyeshadow, glossy lips, subtle blush, and finely arched brows.
Sara Ali Khan's fashion sense continues to turn heads and inspire us everyday.
Also Read: Sara Ali Khan And Aditya Roy Kapur Exuded Ethereal Ethnic Charm On The Shantnu & Nikhil Runway