Greetings from all quarters flooded social media on the special occasion of Priyanka Chopra's 42nd birthday but one of the most special wishes came from her cousin sister, actress Parineeti Chopra. The Chamkila star shared a throwback gem on her Instagram Stories featuring her elder cousin sister. And if the snap conveyed something, it was the duo's exquisite taste in fashion even during their younger days. In the photo, Priyanka embraced the ethnic style in a white salwar kameez suit. She paired the all-white number with a matching dupatta draped across. Silver jewellery and juttis amped up her overall avatar. Parineeti wore a white half-sleeved T-shirt. She teamed it with navy blue dungarees, a staple 90s fashion statement.
(Also Read: Priyanka Chopra's Birthdays Are Happier With Her Chic Summer Holiday Style)
Priyanka Chopra's fashion wardrobe has witnessed a major upgrade over the years. But we have to admit, she looks the most stunning in ethnic ensembles. Previously, the actress wrapped herself in a blush pink saree, draped modishly to cater to the requirements of contemporary fashion. The strapless blouse featured a structured element. Priyanka styled her desi Barbiecore look with a multicoloured jewel-encrusted choker, a diamond ring and identical studs. Rosy glam makeup and open hair framed her face wonderfully.
Parineeti Chopra has also emerged as fashionista. At the Wimbledon finals this year, the actress made a chic case in a white maxi dress. The V-neck number had retro-themed balloon sleeves, plunging into a flared hem. Dishing out power dressing goals, she layered the sophisticated silhouette with a long white trench coat. Black borders on the dramatic collars enhanced the serene aesthetics.
Priyanka and Parineeti Chopra are goals when it comes to nailing effortless fashion.
(Also Read: Priyanka Chopra's "Pause" Involved A Beach Day Of Bonding With Malti Marie And Madhu Chopra)