Malaika Arora never misses the mark when it comes to fashion outings. Recently, the actress was clicked exiting her restaurant Scarlett House in Mumbai. For the night out, Malaika picked out a deep brown co-ord set. Her OOTN comprised a loose-fitted crop shirt featuring buttoned-up features in the front. Full, baggy sleeves and collared details added to the oomph factor. The actress teamed up the top with a pair of capri pants. In terms of accessories, Malaika took the less is more route. She wore a cross-themed golden necklace and statement rings minus any earrings. Her flawless radiance got its rosy tint from the blush on her cheeks coupled with a shade of nude lipstick. Malaika rounded off her street-style look with a neatly secured updo.
Arhaan Khan matched the aesthetic in a chic way. He stuck to the easy-breezy lookbook and aced the sartorial game like an expert. Arhan put on a white collared T-shirt that came with a zip element around the neckline. He paired the not-so-fitted shirt with khaki trousers. White sneakers completed his overall avatar.
Previously, Malaika and Arhaan twinned in black and white tuxedos designed to perfection by Manish Malhotra as they announced the launch of Scarlett House. Malaika chose to adorn herself in a long-sleeve white buttoned shirt. She slipped into high-waisted black trousers offering the right amount of contrast. The actress layered the silhouette with a black tuxedo jacket consisting of white lapel details. A layered gold chain strung around her neck was Maalika's sole accessory. She carried a black Hermes bag in her hand contributing to the luxe factor. Glamorous beauty strokes and caramel-highlighted locks left open in waves delivered the finishing touches. Arhaan looked dapper in a white T-shirt teamed up with black trousers and brogues.
Malaika Arora and Arhaan Khan are goals when it comes to serving style statements.